

About the Author

A physician and mom who loves children and cats, Mary has been writing poetry since the age of seven. She has been a semifinalist at www.poetry.com twice and has won poetry competitions in school and college.

She hails from a long line of healers and poets. In the era of kings, one of her great uncles was a minister elect to the local king, married to the king’s sister and an accomplished poet. Another great uncle was a poet laureate in three neighboring kingdoms. Her own father was a physician and a gifted poet himself. In her books, Mary attempts to use the gift of poetry to connect her two favorite crowds: children and pets.

Mary believes learning should be fun. In her books for 4 to 8 year old readers, she uses fun easy-to-read verses to tell the story of the cat family that walked into their lives. Her books convey a lovely real-life message that even when something looks discouraging, it is a hint about the wonderful surprises life has in store for you.
